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Home » Landscaping a New Construction Home: Expert Tips from Joe Leffew Properties

Landscaping a New Construction Home: Expert Tips from Joe Leffew Properties


Your new yard may seem like a blank canvas, but it requires careful planning before you start landscaping. Here are five guidelines to help you create a landscape you’ll love for years to come.

1. Start Off Beds Right

Prepare your soil by adding organic matter, such as composted cow manure or other nutrient-rich options. Be cautious with mushroom compost, as it can harm seedlings and salt-sensitive plants. If available, consider using composted manure from a local zoo.

2. Get the Lay of the Land

Assess the sunlight for your new yard, drainage, and potential problem areas before planting. Sketch a simple diagram of your backyard to help visualize areas for garden beds and other landscaping features.

3. Remove Unwanted Builder Plantings

Identify and remove plants that may become problematic in the future, such as messy trees, weak-wooded species, or invasive plants. Ensure existing plants are suitable for your needs and space.

4. Think Ahead

Consider your current and future priorities when planning your landscape. Avoid dedicating your entire yard to one purpose without thinking about how it may need to adapt over time to accommodate changing needs and preferences.

5. Start with Mulch and Groundcovers

Use mulch to suppress weeds and retain soil moisture. Plan to phase out mulch over time and replace it with weed-suppressing groundcovers like mondo grass, creeping phlox, or Japanese forest grass. Planting these groundcovers now will save you money in the long run as they can be divided and replanted later.

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