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5 Essential Steps for a Smooth Home Transition

At Joe Leffew Properties, we understand that the home-buying journey doesn’t end on closing day. There are crucial steps to consider before and after closing to make your transition into your new home as smooth as possible. Here are five essential actions to take:

Schedule renovations in advance

A move-in ready home is a rarity, and by the time you sign a contract, you’ll likely have ideas for customization and improvements. Engage professionals for necessary work during your final walkthrough or a private appointment. Obtain quotes and, if possible, complete tasks like floor sanding, painting, or minor repairs before moving in. At Joe Leffew Properties, our vast network of industry professionals ensures we can provide trusted referrals for any work you need.

Organize utility services

Don’t assume utilities will be operational when you move in. Although utility companies often have grace periods between service cancellations and new setups, this isn’t guaranteed. Coordinate with the seller to ensure a seamless transition and contact utility providers to schedule service activation well before closing.

Replace the Locks for Security

It’s safe to assume that multiple people may have keys to your new home. To ensure security, contact a locksmith immediately after receiving your keys and replace all locks.

Arrange Professional Cleaning

Moving into a home that hasn’t been cleaned can be frustrating. Schedule a professional cleaning service immediately after closing to guarantee a fresh start in your new home. Even if the seller cleaned the property, a thorough cleaning from professionals will ensure every corner is spotless.

Keep a Handyperson, Contractor, or Designer on Standby

Dealing with tasks such as hanging artwork, positioning furniture, or setting up rugs can be overwhelming. Though it may seem indulgent, hiring someone to assist with these tasks can save time and stress.

Joe Leffew Properties: Your Real Estate Resource

At Joe Leffew Properties, we believe in proactive planning to make your home-buying experience satisfying and enjoyable. By considering these crucial steps, you’ll save time, money, and potential headaches as you settle into your new home.

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